How to get to Cusco without spending a lot

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Is going to Cusco in Peru expensive? It depends, but if you know how to move and you have the enthusiasm that will not be. If we inquire and find out we will realize that the costs are less than we thought.

It is also important that we define who we are, what our lifestyle is, if you are glamorous and you like American Express way then the best thing is a good tour package with your travel agency.

How to get to Cusco without spending a lot

Now, regardless of your economic level, but enjoy living life and you really want to know the world and its people, this information is for you, let’s start with the search for accommodation.

How to use transportation in Cusco

A taxi from the airport to the Plaza de Armas charges about 5 soles, surely the first will ask for 10 soles, try a couple more taxis to see if they become reasonable. If you take bus shots the ticket is 1 sol.

If you are Peruvian you can use the custers (minisvans) in Pavitos street, from Cusco to Ollantaytambo the ticket is 10 soles.

In ollantaytambo you take the local train that costs 20 soles round trip.

Search for  cheap hotel in Cusco

The first option is the one I know, and I’ll add more as I get to know. Consider that the current change is around 1 dollar to 3.3 soles.

In this case the Five Hostel, the night is 15 soles, here you have free wifi, hot water and free kitchen, meaning you can cook and save a lot on food. The address is: Pasaje San Sebastian 14, Santa Ana, Cusco 10 minutes from the Plaza de Armas and 5 minutes by bus (0.70 cents). How to get there: in San Francisco Square take any of the cars that take you to Santa Ana and then walk two blocks up and to the right. Contact: +51 950 645 060 Roy Noa.

Eating in Cusco spending little

In case you do not want to cook, you can have breakfast with 5 or 6 soles, have lunch with 5 or 8 soles, this in the Mercado San Pedro. However if you want to eat with class, you can eat in a restaurant where the menu does not drop 15 soles.

The 12 angles stone

It is on Hatun Rumiyoc Street. It is a stone block of the Incan culture that forms part of a palace of the street Hatun Rumiyoc. The stone forms part of the seat of the archbishop’s palace of Cuzco that was previously the residence of Inca Roca, the sixth sovereign of  Cuzco. The block is categorized as Cultural Heritage of the Nation.

How to go to Machu Picchu and archaeological sites

To go to Machu Picchu you can buy tickets at or on Calle Garcilazo or the website, tickets are valid for 10 days.

For other archeological sites, interesting and amazing suoper, you can consult the website

In Aguas Calientes, options for the trip on foot

When arriving to Aguas Calientes, many will offer you a hostel from 25 soles the shared room, but first consider the following: suppose your arrival is at 12 midnight, then you stay and you must vacate the room at 9 a.m.

Are you a backpacker?

A much better alternative, (Aguas Calientes a considerably «luxurious» place), there is a camping that would be the best option for those who are looking for a cheap alternative to hostels and hotels. Basically it is a grass field with several places to put tents, games for children and a roof in one of the sites. The rest of the sites are unprotected from the rain; But all have a bench to sit and roof.

The service is almost nil, there is no one caring, and the person who attends only arrives in the morning to collect, but it is a safe place (you can put padlock), has a men’s and women’s bath with shower. Apparently it is the only camping in Aguas Calientes, in low season (December-April) is worth 15 soles per tent; Which gives a very good price / quality ratio. Ask for the Butterfly Zoo, which is by the bus route to Machu Picchu Mountain and arrive.

Aguas Calientes buses to the entrance of the Machu Pichu Mountain, return ticket on the bus: US $ 24 foreigners (78.50 soles) and US $ 15 Peruvian (49 soles). If you consider the price too expensive for such a short journey, there is a solution, if you are in a savings plan you can walk. The road is well marked and steep, the climb time is at least 1 hour. The final time will depend on your walking pace.

Bring your own food

At the entrance of M.P. everything is expensive, coca cola is 21 soles, a bread with chicken 27 soles and water san mateo 8 soles. So if you want to take food for the way of the ascent, buy in the market of Aguas Calientes.

Discounts cards

The Isic Carnet, with this card you will have great discounts, at the entrances to archaeological sites, Machu Picchu, Inca Trail, restaurants, lodges and more … I leave the link for you to have more information.

Isic Carnet for Peruvians:
Isic card for foreigners:



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