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Unidentified objects over Chosica: UFOs or advanced technology?

¿OVNIs? Objetos en los cielos de Chosica Perú Julio 2017. Unidentified objects over Chosica: UFOs or advanced technology?.
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¿Unidentified objects over Chosica? In July 2017, I was living in Chosica, Peru, when I saw something really strange. Days before, I was returning from spending a few days in Huancayo, when on the road through the Ticlio area I started to see something that kept me curious for several days: some mysterious things were moving slowly high up in the sky, and they changed color as the day progressed, from bright colors to reddish ones.

Ticlio 07/25/2017 – 11:00 am

On July 25th, I was leaving Huancayo after spending the weekend there. The bus departed at 9:00 AM and everything was normal. At 11:00 AM, I took out my camera to be ready in the Ticlio area to take pictures of the snowy peaks, which are spectacular. That’s when I noticed a celestial body in the sky at 11:00 AM? Well, as long as I could, I watched it from the bus window I was traveling in. I was able to observe it for almost an hour.

Ticlio UFO 1. Unidentified objects over Chosica.
Linda foto tomada desde el bus cuando me acercaba a la zona de Ticlio. Ah ¿que es ese punto encima?


Ticlio UFO 2. Unidentified objects over Chosica.
Even with the zoom, I can barely make it out. Please understand that I was inside a moving bus, so this is the best image I could get.

Unidentified objects over Chosica, Peru, July 2017

Evidence from the Photos

Photos taken  in Chosica show objects that are difficult to identify. Their size, shape, and trajectory appear unusual, even in the context of high-altitude balloons. In some images, the objects shift in appearance, leading some to believe they could be a form of atmospheric phenomenon or an example of biological plasma entities—a lesser-known hypothesis in ufology.

Chosica, 07/26/2017 – 10:30 AM, object in the sky

On the morning of the 26th, already in Chosica, I noticed that the object, or a very similar one, was now in the sky and could be seen from the backyard. It seemed to be Venus, but neither the color, nor the time nor its location in the sky corresponded. So I looked for the camera, an old Kodak Easyshare Z712, and obtained the following image with a 12X optical zoom and a little more with digital zoom:

Object 1: In the sky, it was heading west, moving very slowly towards the north.


Chosica 11:30 am

At 11:30 AM it was still in this location, towards the west.


Chosica 1:30 pm

At 1:30 PM, it had moved towards the north.

Chosica 4:30 pm

The object was again near its first location in the sky, almost the same as it was at 11:30 AM.

Chosica 5:05 pm a 2nd object appears

At 5:05 pm object 1 had returned to a position very close to where it was at 11:00 am.

And looking closely at the sky I found that there was another object to the east:

Objeto 2. localizado hacia el este
¿OVNIs? Objetos en los cielos de Chosica Perú Julio 2017
The same object 2 minutes later shows a variation in its appearance.



Chosica 6:10 pm, there are 4 objects

At 6:10 pm, just as the sun was setting on the horizon, two more objects appeared, or had always been there. There were 4 objects in total at that time, all taking on a reddish appearance, perhaps their luminosity is due to sunlight.

Lima Chosica OVNI julio 2017. Unidentified objects over Chosica.
At 6:30, image of object 2, like the others, taking on a reddish color with the hue of the sun setting on the horizon.

At 6:50 it was already dark, the objects were no longer visible, while the stars were beginning to appear in the night sky.

Mystery solved? – Chosica August 1st

I wrote to a UFO reporting website and a few days later I received an email response, in which they told me that the Google Loon project balloons were in the area.

Uno de los globos del proyecto Google loon
Uno de los globos del proyecto Google loon


What is Google Loon

Project Loon is a network of balloons that travel over the edge of outer space. It is intended to extend Internet connectivity to people living in rural and remote areas around the world. Balloons are maneuvered by adjusting their altitude to float toward a wind current located at a certain altitude in the stratosphere and which has been previously identified with the desired direction and speed to transport it to some place on earth; these currents are usually stable and have speeds between 8 and 32 km/h. Users can connect to the network of balloons, which in turn are connected to a station on the ground and this to an Internet service provider. The official page of the project is at

I still have my doubts

However, not all reports fit the Google Loon narrative. The flight patterns didn’t entirely align with balloon movement, raising more questions for me. What is still strange is the way they moved and how they returned to their original position. Can Google balloons do that?

While many were satisfied with the Loon explanation, I remained some unconvinced. Maybe some sightings may involve phenomena beyond our current understanding, such as plasma entities or even advanced non-terrestrial technology. This could be consistent with advanced technological designs or natural plasma-based entities that interact with Earth’s magnetic fields.

I bought a better camera

A few weeks after that experience I bought a Panasonic camera with 65X; unfortunately, a similar situation has not happened again. If you are a fan of looking for things in the sky, do not hesitate to buy a superzoom camera and carry it with you always.


The 2017 Chosica sightings highlight the intersection of technology and mystery. Whether we’re looking at UFOs, advanced Google technologies, or natural plasma entities, the truth remains elusive. As science advances, so does our understanding of the unknown. Perhaps one day, the skies will reveal their secrets fully.

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